1. Lord Jesus, we belong to you, you live in us, we live in you; we live and work for you —
because we bear your name.

2. Help us receive each other, Lord, for you receive the least of us and come to us in them —

3. Bless those who give us any gift, because they know that we are yours; reward them with your grace —

4. Let us acknowledge those as friends who use your name to right a wrong but have not joined us yet —

5. Let nothing that we do or say offend the weak so that they fall and lose their faith in you —

6. Keep us from missing out on life; give hands that help, and single sight, and feet that walk your way —

7. You are the salt that cleanses us, so clean us out, and make us fit for common life with you —
because we bear your name.

1985. Dr John Kleinig, lecturer at Luther Seminary in Adelaide, preached at the monthly student service at St Stephen's in October 1985. He not only prepared a sermon on Mark 9:38–50 but also this powerful set of lyrics for which I wrote the melody. We always start it very simply — a single instrument — and build it to a huge conclusion, the bigger the better. The text from Mark seems like a collection of disconnected teachings, but John wove these together beautifully under the theme spelled out in verse 41 (anyone who gives you a cup of water in my name because you belong to Christ). The tune owes something to Joe Jackson's Body and Soul album, especially the song Be my number two.


ALWS 29/5/24

In May 2023 we travelled to the Mentawai Islands in Indonesia, seeing work supported by Australian Lutheran World Service. Dorothy and I are Ambassadors for the ALWS programme, Lives You Touch. We are encouraging people to leave money in their will for the work of ALWS. We committed to leave a third of our will many years ago and hope many others can touch lives in this way.

Last year we visited churches in SA, Vic, Qld and WA with Jonathan & Julie Krause promoting the cause of ALWS.

Coming up soon:

* Nuriootpa (St Petri) Saturday June 22, 4 pm

To be confirmed:
Bordertown July 28,
Everton Park (Qld) August 17,
Canberra August 24 

Looking forward to seeing you at one of these events