All songs 1971 - 2020

Songs written by Robin, recorded and collected between 1971 and 2020

Collection / Book / Recording
Anna’s Song (Lift this child) 1981 All Together Again
Be my strength 1992 All together All Right, The Word Became A Song
Be real, be true 1999 Intimate
Because we bear your name 1985 All Together Everybody, Together in Song
Beginning of wisdom 1989 God Version 1.0
Brand New Day 1979 Heroes
The Bread of angels 1997 All Together Whatever, God Version 1.0
Can broken hearts be mended? 2003 All Together All Right
Christmas blessing 1983 All Together Again, Let’s Sing it Again, Intimate
Christopher 1985 God Version 1.0, Heroes
Come and hear 1995 All Together OK
Come Lord Jesus come 1976 All Together Now
Comfort, comfort all my people 1975 All Together Now
Community in Christ 2013 All Together All Right
Complaint in C 1980 The Word Became A Song
Daddy I love you 1977 All Together Now
Deep peace 1995 All Together OK , Intimate
Easy answers 2009 All Together All Right
Everything we got 1999 All Together Whatever, Heroes
Examine my heart 1998 All Together Whatever
Face to face 1978 All Together Now
Father bless us 1977 All Together Now
Father welcomes 1973 All Together Now
Feed us now, Bread of Life 1976 All Together Now
Follow me 1994 All Together OK
For the bread 1988 All Together Everybody
For you, deep stillness 1996 God. Version 1.0, All Together Whatever, Heroes, Intimate
From the air and from the light 1992 All Together OK
Gathered 2007 All Together All Right
Gift to the world 1993 All Together OK
God. Version 1.0 1991 God. Version 1.0
God's excellent adventure 2005 All Together For Good, Heroes
Good morning peace 1977 All Together Now
Goodbye my friends 1976 All Together Now
the Grass withers 1992 All Together OK, The Word Became A Song
Guest of a sinner 1986 All Together All Right
Hand in hand 1997 God. Version 1.0, Hand in Hand
Here we are 1988 All Together OK, Let's Sing It Again
Heroes 2009 All Together All Right, Heroes
How shall I call you? 1977 All Together Now,  Let's Sing It Again
I didn't travel far to find you 1996 God. Version 1.0
If I touch your clothes 1994 God. Version 1.0
In the house of God 1987 All Together Now, The Word Became A Song
It's Christmas 1989 All Together All Right, Heroes
Included 1990 The Word Became A Song
Into your death 1985 All Together OK
Is the Lord with us - or not? 1999 All Together Whatever
Jacob struggled for a blessing 1995 All Together OK
Jesus, come and stand among us 1993 All Together OK
Jesus please watch over us 1979 All Together Now
Jesus, the bright morning star 2000 All Together All Right
Just like Jesus 1999 All Together All Right
Keeping my eyes on you 1982 All Together Again, Heroes
Let your Word fill my days 1976 All Together Now
Light of the nations 1991 All Together OK
Like a wedding feast 1987 All Together Everybody, Heroes
Like an angel 2000 All Together Whatever
Listen to him 1987 All Together Everybody
Long the hunters have prepared 1987 The Word Became A Song
Lord, now let your servant depart 1971 All Together All Right
Lord of the morning 1976 All Together Now
Love one another 1980 All Together Again
Love is the law 1974 All Together Again
Make love your aim 2002 Intimate
Mary, pick up your accordion and play 1997 God. Version 1.0
May we be one 1981 All Together Again, Let’s Sing It Again, Intimate
Midnight dedication 1976 The Word Became A Song
More than a sign 2009 All Together All Right
Moses is growing in Pharaoh's domain 1994 God. Version 1.0, Heroes
My peace I give 1986 All Together Everybody
My word 1978 All Together Now
Nice one, Jesus 1995 All Together All Right, Heroes
O dearest Jesus 1982 All Together OK
O Father my Father 1974 All Together Now
O lamb of God 1971 All Together Now
O Mary don't you weep (alt. words) 1982 All Together Again
Of your goodness 1976 All Together Now
One by one you call us home 1977 All Together Now
Ordinary miracles 1996 God. Version 1.0, All Together Whatever
Our father 1984 All Together Everybody
Over to you 1994 God. Version 1.0
Patiently waiting for you 1996 All Together Whatever
Pentecost prayer 1976 All Together Now
Reaching out 1980 All Together Again
Real food, real drink 1991 All Together OK
Resurrection shout 1978 All Together Again
Sadako from Hiroshima 1984 God. Version 1.0, Heroes
St Patrick's prayer 1976 All Together Now
She washed his feet with her tears 1992 The Word Became A Song
Sleep little baby 2008 All Together All Right, Heroes
Song for Dorothy 1978 Intimate
Sorrowing Song 1986 All Together Everybody
Spirit of God, you're with me 1987 All Together Everybody
a Star, a King 1991 God. Version 1.0
Stay awake 1984 All Together Everybody, Heroes
Stay with me 1985 All Together Everybody
Step into the boat 1985 Intimate
Strangest ways 1980 God. Version 1.0
Teach me your way 1993 All Together OK
Thank God, you're here 2007 All Together All Right, Heroes
Then I will praise you 1990 All Together Everybody
There'll be peace 1987 All Together Everybody
They knew who he was 1982 All Together Again
They were waiting 1989 All Together Everybody
Until you open my eyes 1983 All Together Again,
Walkin down the road 1978 All Together Now
the Way is low 1980 All Together Again, The Word Became A Song
We are sorry 1992 All Together OK
We have seen the Word of Life 1985 All Together Everybody
When human voices cannot sing 1999 All Together Whatever
When our life began again 1980 All Together Again, Together in Song
When the heart goes out 2012 All Together All Right
Wherever I go 1997 All Together Whatever
While we tear apart 1991 God. Version 1.0.
Who am I? 1987 God. Version 1.0.
Why do you look among the dead? 1997 All Together Whatever
You are invited 1993 All Together OK, Heroes
You are the prisoner 1987 All Together Everybody
You call me to love 1998 God. Version 1.0. Intimate, All Together Whatever
You still love me 1981 Intimate
You were in this place 1987 All Together Whatever


All Together All Right


ALWS 29/5/24

In May 2023 we travelled to the Mentawai Islands in Indonesia, seeing work supported by Australian Lutheran World Service. Dorothy and I are Ambassadors for the ALWS programme, Lives You Touch. We are encouraging people to leave money in their will for the work of ALWS. We committed to leave a third of our will many years ago and hope many others can touch lives in this way.

Last year we visited churches in SA, Vic, Qld and WA with Jonathan & Julie Krause promoting the cause of ALWS.

Coming up soon:

* Nuriootpa (St Petri) Saturday June 22, 4 pm

To be confirmed:
Bordertown July 28,
Everton Park (Qld) August 17,
Canberra August 24 

Looking forward to seeing you at one of these events