Your body and mine, your arms, your legs, your laughter and mine, no longer two, but one, no longer two, but one
Your future and mine,

your thoughts, your dreams, your children and mine,
no longer two, but one,
no longer two, but one.

But what if a body rejects another, dreams and thoughts collide?
One is trying to hold together, one wants to divide.

We can't be disassembled,
we can't be disengaged,
we're like a coat without a seam,
and it feels like I'm disintegrating. (Repeat these 4 lines)

You can't tell where one begins and the other ends. (3 times)

Jesus, you be the patch.
Jesus, you be the stitches.
Jesus, hold me together while we tear apart. (Repeat these 3 lines)

Within many church circles thee’s so much emphasis on building strong and happy families that people find it hard to admit to broken relationships. It’s as if perfect marriages are the norm and anything less is unacceptable. But the reality of sin remains: we struggle to love each other, we make continual mistakes, we focus on the wrong issues, we completely overlook the needs of those who are closest to us. What’s remarkable is that God gives us some glimpses of heaven in the midst of our foolish and self-centred ways. And of course Jesus was, and is, always most active in healing and helping when we are most desperately in need. This song was written for a worship service — on the twentieth Sunday after Pentecost in Year B when the gospel reading is Mark 10:2-16.


ALWS 29/5/24

In May 2023 we travelled to the Mentawai Islands in Indonesia, seeing work supported by Australian Lutheran World Service. Dorothy and I are Ambassadors for the ALWS programme, Lives You Touch. We are encouraging people to leave money in their will for the work of ALWS. We committed to leave a third of our will many years ago and hope many others can touch lives in this way.

Last year we visited churches in SA, Vic, Qld and WA with Jonathan & Julie Krause promoting the cause of ALWS.

Coming up soon:

* Nuriootpa (St Petri) Saturday June 22, 4 pm

To be confirmed:
Bordertown July 28,
Everton Park (Qld) August 17,
Canberra August 24 

Looking forward to seeing you at one of these events