1. Spirit of God, you're with me, shaping me from within;
everything Jesus promised, you bring: life in the Father's care,
your special peace we share, safety from every evil snare.
Spirit of God, fly like a dove, carry your gifts of faith and love.

2. Spirit of God, you show me heaven right here on earth;
here, in the midst of dying, is birth: water and word combine,
and all your gifts are mine —
O how the light of Jesus shines!

3. Spirit of God, you gather
people of every tongue;
women and men, the old and the young; knowing that we belong,
gathered to sing your song —
we may be weak but you are strong.

4. Give me a heart that's simple,
just like a child at play.
Let me be strong but gentle today; trusting when I can't see,
that you're at work in me,
growing some good fruit on this tree.

1987. I was reading this terrific little book called The Holy Spirit: shy member of the Trinity when I bought a new synthesiser, an Ensoniq, in July 1987. Songs have many jumping-off points, and the combination of the book and synth ( and many other things too!) led to this song. It's got a lot of words. It's a long prayer to the Holy Spirit, and also an exposition at the same time. I know that community worship songs with lots of words are not fashionable, but God just keeps putting all these words in my head! And anyway, Christians are urged in the letters of the New Testament to grow in knowledge as well as in faith and love. I think songs can help the process of growth. They get words into our heads and keep them there. If the words are a good reflection of Scripture, and focus on the beautiful things God does for us, songs can do much more than make us feel good.


ALWS 29/5/24

In May 2023 we travelled to the Mentawai Islands in Indonesia, seeing work supported by Australian Lutheran World Service. Dorothy and I are Ambassadors for the ALWS programme, Lives You Touch. We are encouraging people to leave money in their will for the work of ALWS. We committed to leave a third of our will many years ago and hope many others can touch lives in this way.

Last year we visited churches in SA, Vic, Qld and WA with Jonathan & Julie Krause promoting the cause of ALWS.

Coming up soon:

* Nuriootpa (St Petri) Saturday June 22, 4 pm

To be confirmed:
Bordertown July 28,
Everton Park (Qld) August 17,
Canberra August 24 

Looking forward to seeing you at one of these events